Fonts: Vivaldi, Times New Roman, Miserable, Papyrus
Photo: Flickr (major me)
Give Thanks Credits:
Fonts: Not sure b/c I forgot to save a layered file...Miserable is one for sure, but I'm not sure of the rest.
Frame & Leaf: Michelle Coleman ~ Fall Splendor Kit
Wait On The Lord Credits:
Fonts: Papyrus, Mailart Rubberstamp, Miserable, Type Keys Filled, Blackjack, Charlemagne Std
Eagle: Web photo of an embroidery sample, photoshopped into clipart by me
Fonts: Papyrus, Mailart Rubberstamp, Type Keys Filled, Miserable, Blackjack
Photo: Web photo of Father/Son, photoshopped into sillouette LOL.